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PO Box 1095 Kirksville, MO 63501 Phone: 660-665-1111 Fax: 660-665-1409 HR Fax: 660-665-3417


Welcome to the Payroll/Accounting Department

W4 withholding

Need to update your W4 withholding? Please login to your Paycom ESS account and update your withholding in the payroll menu. 

W2 Forms

W2 forms are available on Paycom for both active and termed employees. Please contact the payroll department if your unable to access paycom.

Clock IN/OUT

All employees are to use Paycom for timekeeping. Please contact your direct supervisor or HR if you need assistance learning how to submit your punches via Paycom.

Missing Clock IN/OUT time

Time adjustments can be corrected by logging onto Paycom.


Hourly employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Paystubs are available on Paycom.

If you need to make a change to your direct deposit, please login to your Paycom ESS and submit your change. Per company policy, we will not accept emailed, scanned, or faxed forms requesting a change in direct deposit. 

403(b) Retirement

Changes to your 403(b) contributions can only be made twice a year at open enrollment and in July. To make changes please fill out the below salary reduction agreement form and return to payroll. Employees can review their account online at . Additionally, you can contact our Financial Advisors at Horizon Capital for assistance and advising appointment. 

403b Salary Reduction Agreement Form


photo of brock deuth horizon capital financial advisor photo of brock mcclain horizon capital financial advisor
 Brett Deuth, CRPC  Brock McClain, CFP 
Partner, Financial Advisor Partner, Financial Advisor
Phone: 913-469-0033  Phone: 913-469-0033
 Email: Email:



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